Wrap-Up: Conversation with Chief of Police Steve Grattan
Many challenges, but far many more rewards, are all part of policing Southold Town, said Chief of Police Steve Grattan at last night’s meeting. The chief provided a detailed overview of the department’s operations and also shared that becoming a police chief here in his hometown was like “winning the lottery” (he previously had been with NYPD).
Sgt. Bob Haase urged all to beware of fraud and identity theft scams, which they see almost daily, and to contact the police with any concerns. He also touched on Smart911, a service that enables individuals to create a safety profile containing health and other information that they want 9-1-1 responders to have in an emergency. Visit www.smart911.com to create your profile.
Also, check out the Police Dept’s. Facebook page (Southold Town Police Department), an excellent resource for a variety of up-to-date information.
To view the meeting, click here and enter Passcode: =?aJ1Nj*
(due to a glitch, the recording starts several minutes in).
May thanks to Chief Grattan Sgt. Haase for joining us!

NEWS – Zoning Update Preliminary Draft
Take a look at Southold’s Preliminary Code Draft.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Wrap-Up
Beautiful day in Cutchogue for a parade!

Highway Department “Bumps in the Road?” Wrap-Up
Thank you to the Southold Town Highway Department for an engaging session. Learn more by viewing the meeting video.